Candela Laser

AAAAAv2G-7UAAAAAATZ8fAMany patients deal with problem skin that may distract from their natural beauty and the body they work hard to maintain. In his Erie plastic surgery office, Dr. Heaney performs laser treatments with the Candela Laser to improve the health and appearance of your skin.

Improving the Look of Your Skin with Laser Technology

The Candela Laser uses a form of technology called pulsed-dye. When the light penetrates the outer layers of your skin, it heats the targeted cells. By heating these specific cells, your skin's regenerative processes are kickstarted and your body begins to replace damaged or dull skin cells with fresh cells. Since the laser's beam is so focused, Dr. Heaney is able to treat problem areas without affecting healthy, surrounding tissues.

Who Is a Candidate for Candela Laser?

Patients of many ages and skin types are ideal candidates for laser treatments, though some patients with dark pigmentation may not be. Patients often choose to undergo Candela treatments for:

  • wrinkles
  • visible veins
  • acne
  • dull skin

If you are interested in methods for improving your skin, Dr. Heaney will discuss Candela Laser treatments as well as other options during your consultation. Based on your individual needs, he will be able to craft a treatment plan for you. Some treatments, like tattoo removal, may require more than one session.

Dr. Heaney may ask you to avoid prolonged sun exposure in the weeks leading up to your treatment as the light therapy is more easily able to penetrate light-colored skin.

How is the Treatment Performed?

Depending on the size of the area to be treated and the condition of your skin, your treatment time may vary. However, most Candela treatments can be done in under 1/2 hour. To administer treatment, Dr. Heaney will move a laser handpiece across the surface of your skin, which will deliver the light therapy. This will be alternated with bursts of cool to help keep you comfortable.

Candela Laser Aftercare and Results

When you leave Dr. Heaney's practice, you will be given aftercare instructions. You will be asked to avoid prolonged sun exposure for several days as your skin may be sensitive and you may need to apply a daily SPF to protect it further. It is possible for your skin to exhibit some redness after treatment, but this is a temporary side effect and should dissipate naturally. You will also want to take care with your skin when washing it and avoid scrubbing or using harsh cleansers, which may irritate your skin and prolong the healing process.

After you have completely healed from your Candela Laser treatment, your skin will appear smoother, healthier and younger. If you maintain a good skin care regimen, the benefits of your treatment can be long-lasting.

To learn more about Candela Laser treatments in Erie, please join the mailing list of plastic surgeon Dr. Heaney. You can also call our practice at (814) 453-4482 to schedule your consultation today.

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Our plastic surgery practice uses the latest aesthetic technology and products. Dr. Heaney trusts technology like the Candela Laser to improve the health and beauty of skin. He also provides injectable treatments to smooth skin and reduce wrinkles without surgery.

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Dr. Heaney founded his practice on the principles of surgical excellence and a personal approach. more
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